Sumergeme! Submerge me with your Spirit oh Lord! Quiero honrar el Senor!
Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us,
an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
Eph. 5:1-12
We can only be imitators of what we know. The definition of imitate is below.....
1. To use or follow as a model.
2. a. To copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic
b. To copy or use the style of.
3. To copy exactly; reproduce.
4. To appear like; resemble.
The only way to imitate somebody is by watching them, following what they do...we have to know their actions, speech in order to copy exactly or reproduce what they are doing. We have to know the person....we have to spend time around them...learn their ways.
It is so true the saying that you become who you hang around. ..So who are we hanging out with? Are we spending time with the One who made us? How can we imitate Him if we do not know His ways? The Word says that we are to be imitators of God as dear children. (vs.1) we are to walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, as an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. (vs.2) ...are we loving as Christ has loved us? (Loving beyond faults, forgiving regardless of circumstance), are our lives an offering and sacrifice to God that is sweet-smelling? (Do we do things out of obligation, kicking and screaming...maybe not literally but God knows....He smells it.) God help us to be imitators of us to walk in love as Christ has also loved us and given Himself for us and please help our lives to be a sweet-smelling aroma.
My English class that I volunteer teaching at a day care has an age range from 2-11 years old and it is literally different every day as to which children are there. As I was talking with the director this week she explained to me how most of the kids that come to the day care there come from not good home situations. Now this explains a lot of the behavioural issues that I tackle every time I teach. They are being imitators of what they see at home. She explained to me how that morning one mother literally pushed her kids into the daycare that morning and then left...and immediately the little 3 year old girls that were dropped off pushed a table that was in front of them....they were imitating the actions of their mother. Many times I think we imitate or somebody is imitating us without even realizing it....who are we hanging out with? Who are we imitating?
I was invited to an all day bible study up in the mountains last Saturday...I went with my good friend Nana, my friend's mom Ili and a new friend of mine Monica. We spent the day with other believers studying, encouraging, worshiping and fellowshipping together. It was really a beautiful day....a true blessing to be around people....people who imitate was really refreshing. I am thankful that the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to spend time with such people........ (I don't have a picture...but was tagged in facebook...if you'd like to see)
Well' that is all for now....Missing my family.....looking forward in present....
......desiring to be an imitator of God.