
Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's rainy season here in Costa Rica--it has been since April. However, we are just starting to actually see the rain falling. It has been raining basically the entire weekend almost non stop, and apparently it has been raining for the past 5 days on the Carribean side. These are some pictures that were taken yesterday....I was on my way to the Carribean side with a friend-- we were trying to make a quick "visa" trip to Panama....(MY LAST ONE!) ...but couldn't make it ....due to the roads being shut down! This isn't even the worst of it.
As I look at these pictures....though, I am reminded of how I am covered...in HIS grace. His grace falls on me...like the rain, freely. He is faithful...looking at these pictures and hearing the rain fall down, I am reminded of my NEED for HIM...I am reminded of the grace that He gives me ever so freely and oh so daily.

Thank you Jesus. for loving me. and for covering me with your grace.....and your MERCY!

click here.
He loves us.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

:) Hello friends and family <3 It's been a about a month since I have given a real update! There has been so much that has happened in the last month or two! As some of you know, I am now working part time as an English teacher in the evenings to supplement for my needs (as I was running out of what I had.) It was truly a door opened directly by God. I know that! Also, confirmation that this is where I am supposed to be right now--He always provides ...somehow, someway! (My dad always used to say that ...somehow, someway it will all work out!) Not only, is it helping supplement but this also is providing my VISA so I shouldn't have to leave the country every 3 months any more! God is so good!

A few posts ago...I mentioned about an interaction I had with a 3 year old boy that impacted me so deeply and that I was going to share with you about what happened...so here I go! I had the opportunity to serve for a week in one of the largest most dangerous slums in Costa Rica for one week straight with a team of women that was visiting from the USA. I was there to help with translating ..however there was this one little boy that was running around crazy--and he just caught my eye. Nobody could really calm him down, he was playing wild like an animal, ha! I picked up this smelly little boy in the midst of his running around and just embraced him in my arms. It was amazing what happened...he just fell in my arms. had his head on my shoulder and went to sleep for about an hour. This little boy hungers for attention...and wants to feel love...He loved being held...it was a powerful moment as people walked by that normally work there and said that they never really see him that calm. :) Jesus was loving on Him through me. That's pretty cool! You see, many times when you grow up in a place like this babies are forced and treated older than they are. They don't get to just be kids and have someone carry them and tell them that they are loved, important and special. So, next time you interact with someone, young or old and you don't understand their crazy actions or unkind words--remember that maybe all they need is a hug, or pray for them that God would show them HIS perfect love.

Right now, there is a guy from my church in Canada that is here on a one week mission trip so I have been busy planning for that. I am still working at the day care and the soup kitchen but am probably going to switch a day that I am at the day care to work with the kids in Guarari (the place I just mentioned above) giving them English classes and loving on them.

OH....and I moved to another part of town! :) More central -- less time on the bus! Thank you Jesus for always providing!

Please let me know if you have any questions! I will try and write more often but remember that you can always contact me by email or face book! melissaalicewood1@gmail.com

9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. JN 10:9-10
